Your Moments Away 5 Coaching 5 The Power of Expression through Dance
The Power of Dance

The Power of Expression

Through Dance


Dancing is a fun and healthy way to express ourselves through movement and music. Dance can act as a non-verbal form of communication. When we dance, the aim is to move our bodies without judgement and to get into the flow of the music and allow the rhythm to take over. Dancing is the act of using our bodies as an instrument. We can tell a story, communicate, and experiment with different emotions.

Dancing is a fun and healthy way to express ourselves through movement and music. Dance can act as a nonverbal form of communication. When we dance, the aim is to move our bodies without judgement and to get into the flow of the music and allow the rhythm to take over. Dancing is the act of using our bodies as an instrument. We can tell a story, communicate, and experiment with different emotions.

Peter Lovatt, a dance psychologist from the University of Hertfordshire, conducted a study to determine “how people convey feelings through dance”. Lovatt states “there has been a great many carefully controlled experimental studies that have sought to find the core elements of movements that communicate different emotions, and more recently, there is a growing number of brain scan studies that show the different areas of the brain that light up when people watch expressions of emotions.”

There are so many different types of dance to choose from. Each genre has different moves and accompanying music such as ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and salsa just to name a few. You do not need to be or seek out to be a professional dancer in order to enjoy dancing and the benefits of expressing yourself through it. It can be as fun and easy as putting on a favorite song or playlist and jumping around your room however the music takes you. The point is to enjoy yourself and experiment with how you move your body.

Not only is dancing a great way to connect with the music and express ourselves, but it also serves as a workout. It’s a fun and different way to get your heart pumping, burn some calories, and both tone and strengthen your muscles. Like yoga, dancing is also a mental exercise. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you become in your own body and using your body in new ways. Dancing is a wonderful way to connect with yourself, and others.

We can dance with children, a significant other, or friends. No matter what the setting is, dancing is an indication of a good time and serves as a bonding experience. When we turn our attention inward on ourselves we are able to express emotions without too much thought, without words, and to let go and enjoy our bodies and our lives. I encourage you to pick a favorite song and dance today, then journal how it made you feel.

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